‘WisBiz: The Show’ features Bing Liang of US University Pathways

Welcome to WisBusiness: The Show,” a twice-a-month Web show covering state business news and issues.

In the latest episode of “WisBusiness.com: The Show,” Bing Liang of US University Pathways in Madison talks about how the growing company helps to attract international students to Wisconsin colleges and universities by first offering a bonafide Wisconsin high-school education.

The show also previews recent and upcoming events. Our team has recently produced events in the Oneida Nation, Chilton and Madison. Upcoming events are:

  • Tech Council Innovation Network –  11, Wauwatosa. “Stop-and-go trends in the EV industry” Our luncheon panel discussion will examine some of the challenges facing the electric vehicle industry today. Guests are from Marquette University, Godfrey Kahn, WE Energies and Faith Technologies, UWM Innovation Accelerator, Wauwatosa.
  • Gov’s Biz Plan Contest Info Session – Jan. 17, Online. Hear from 2023 Grand Prize winner Katy Jinkins of Sixline Semiconductor; long-time judge Kalpa Vithalani of Marquette University and Tom Still of the Tech Council.
  • Tech Council Innovation Network – Jan. 18, UW-Whitewater. Corporate collaboration on campus. Representatives of companies such as SHINE Technologies and Promega will talk about their industries and how they can work with researchers and others on campus. Whitewater University Technology Park.
  • Tech Council Innovation Network – Jan. 23, Madison. Winning the war on cancer: Past, present and future. Dr. Howard Bailey, who directs the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, will talk about progress and challenges in humankind’s fight against cancer, at the Tech Council Innovation Network luncheon in Madison.